Can I import custom materials?

ClimateStudio allows you to set up your own Radiance materials via BSDFs and .rad files and use them in conjunction with the Default library that comes with ClimateStudio. Please note that you need to be familiar with the Radiance material modifiers to use this option.

Step 1: Create a Library Directory

Create a directory in which you want to store your custom Radiance materials, e.g. C:\tmp\MyCustomRadianceMaterials.

Step 2: Create a Radiance Material File

An example file for a bright red material can be downloaded from here. Download and copy the file into your library directory.

Step 3: Link the Material Library to ClimateStudio

Under Assign materials, open the Edit Layer Material dialogue and add your custom library.


Step 4: Select Your Custom Library and Assign a Material

Under Assign materials, open the Edit Layer Material dialogue and add your custom library.



#custom #materials #radiance #bsdf


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